Microcosmi americani

For my Italian readers, with thanks to Festivaletteratura and Piero Dorfles.

In generale i romanzi della Strout affiancano alla dimensione sociologica quella psicologica e privata ma anche realtà più ampie, come quella politica e sociale; per questa ragione hanno fatto breccia nel pubblico americano, soprattutto femminile, che si è sentito totalmente rispecchiato nelle numerose donne della scrittrice.
Microcosmi americani

Strout, Rosenblatt contemplate the power of place in fiction

Much of Roger Rosenblatt and Elizabeth Strout’s Wednesday morning lecture conversation in the Amphitheater centered around being true to a setting when writing fiction.

“It took me a while to understand the importance of place, actually,” Strout said. “I had to live in New York for many years before I realized, ‘Oh, I actually really do come from Maine.’ ”
— Allison Levitsky, Morning Lecture Recap, The Chautauquan Daily, official newspaper of Chautauqua Institution

KUT.org: Novelist Elizabeth Strout Talks About 'The Burgess Boys'

The novel “The Burgess Boys” took the nation by storm last year. This month, the novel is available in paperback....

Elizabeth Strout visited with the Texas Standard’s Emily Donahue to talk about her book. Listen to their conversation in the audio player below.
Emily Donahue, KUT.org

Novelist Elizabeth Strout talks about writing the Burgess Boys with the Texas Standard's Emily Donahue.